What do I find in POLITESI?
The archive contains all Post Graduate Theses (laurea specialistica/magistrale) from the July 2010 session and all PhD Theses from 2012 in digital format.
Degree theses discussed before the July 2010 session can be searched in the University Catalogue and consulted (on paper or digitally via local area network) according to the regulations of the library storing them.
The documents of Bachelor of Science (equivalent to Laurea) theses are not stored from our University.
Can I use part of a work without citing the source?
Article 70, paragraphs 1 and 3 of the Act in question states:
"The abridgment, quotation or reproduction of fragments or parts of a work for the purpose of criticism or discussion, or for instructional purposes, shall be permitted within the limits justified for such purposes, provided such acts do not conflict with the commercial exploitation of the work."
"The abridgment, quotation or reproduction must always be accompanied by a mention of the title of the work and of the names of the author, the publisher and, in the case of a translation, the translator, whenever such mentions appear on the work that has been reproduced." (WIPO translation)
This act also covers material available on the web. If you want to cite a thesis consulted in POLITESI use handle.net or persistent identifier of the thesis of your interest. This code is in the header of the metadata card.
Who is the author of the thesis or the responsible of what has been deposited?
There are a series of civil, criminal and administrative instruments in place to deal with any behaviour that damages authors' rights.
Remember that the author is responsible on what is reported in the thesis file and therefore he / she can be cited in judgment in case of violations of others rights.
What are the options for accessing files after publication in the online thesis archive?
Possible options that the authors can choose during the deposit phase are as follows:
- Accessible via Internet to all: the file will be accessible and downloadable via internet by anyone who may consult the archive POLITESI.
- Accessible via Internet to all starting from...: the file will be accessible and downloadable via internet by anyone who may consult the archive POLITesi starting from 1 or 3 years after the date of its submission..
- Accessible via Internet only by authorised users (AunicaLogin or Shibboleth): the file will be accessible and downloadable by any authenticated user (AunicaLogin or Shibboleth) who may consult the archive POLITesi. At the present time authorized users are: professors and all Politecnico staff, Politecnico students and ex-students with active AunicaLogin credentials. In the future authorized users could be also anyone with Shibboleth credentials (people from other universities and research institutions that have agreements with Politecnico di Milano).
- Accessible via Internet only by authorised users (AunicaLogin or Shibboleth) starting from...: the file will be accessible and downloadable by any authenticated user (AunicaLogin or Shibboleth) who may consult the archive POLITesi starting from 1 or 3 years after the date of its submission.
- Not accessible: the file will be accessible and downloadable in the archive POLITesi only by the author/s, by the supervisor and by the Politecnico Administration Staff. If the thesis is of your interest, you can cite it using the handle (persistent identifier). This code is in the header of the metadata card.
If you want to contact the author of the thesis for further information, read the next FAQ!
How can I contact the author of a thesis?
Alumni Service will help you to contact the author of a thesis present in the Archives POLITESI. Write an e-mail to alumni@polimi.it indicating the handle (Persistent Identifier) of the thesis of your interest. This code is in the header of the descriptive card.