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Made in Polimi

Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32 - 20133 Milano (edificio 1)


The access to Historical Archives is free also for external users.

To find out more about Made in Polimi and the other collections of our university, visit also the virtual space of Polimi Collections



Open from Monday to Friday, 9.30 am - 19.00 pm


  • Guided tours are organized.
    To book a guided tour write to:
  • contacts with foundations and cultural institutions


Made in Polimi is an ever-evolving exhibition space which tells the story of the Politecnico’s past, present and future through the many adventures led and trails blazed by the university’s engineers, architects and designers through time.
Here you will find stories of inventions and patents, objects and products, buildings and infrastructures; but above all, stories of women and men, of discoveries stemming from long and patient research.

The exhibition space is spread across two rooms located at the entrance of the Rectorate.

The first room explores the history of the Politecnico di Milano through a series of selected topics, each one featuring projects and objects created by people at the Politecnico - be they prominent alumni or teachers - whose research and work pay testament to the contributions that the Politecnico has made to scientific research, bringing down academic and geographical borders to shape cities and everything that moves them.
Stories and events are presented through original physical artefacts, videos, photographs, documents and reproductions.

In the second room, the story of the Politecnico di Milano continues with an exploration of the present and future that our community is dreaming up and starting to design. This account takes place under an ideal sky, made up of fragments and objects, instruments and prototypes produced by the university’s research laboratories.
The narrating voice of this part of the tour is provided by interviews with distinguished figures from culture, science and business who - with their personal vision of certain iconic objects produced by Politecnico alumni and staff - explain just how great an impact the Politecnico has had in our imaginations.

The exhibition is set up in a way that allows for the modules and content to be managed flexibly; as such, all the sections that make up its spaces will be constantly updated in terms of content and will periodically introduce new stories, new figures and new aspects of the culture of our Politecnico.

Manager of Campus Life Division: Chiara Pesenti, ph. 02.2399.2428, e-mail:
Head of the Historical Archives and Museum Activities Service: Anna Elisabetta Colella, ph. 02.2399.2213, e-mail:

Ludovica Cappelletti - tel. 02.2399.5701, e-mail:
Silvia Raucci - tel. 02.2399.2638, e-mail:
Vincenzo Ficco - tel. 02.2399.5706, e-mail: