Ask for a book from another campus
Intra-university loan
If you want to borrow a book which is located in the library of a Politecnico campus different from the one you are used to go, you can request the intra-university loan service or intersystem loan.
This service enables you to request and obtain books from the Politecnico libraries that are located in other campuses, also those of territorial campuses.
The service is not available to external users enabled for periods of less than 3 months.
For professors and researchers The book on your deskservice is also available.
How many intra-university loan requests you can make
up to 2 requests at the same time from the Milano libraries
up to 5 requests at the same time from the territorial campuses libraries
1 request if you are an alumnus
How to make an intra-university loan request
- personally at the loans desk of the library where you want to collect the book
- by phone at the loans desk of the library where you want to collect the book
How long is waiting and collecting
2-3 days after the request you will be informed by e-mail and/or SMS of the book's arrival at the library. You must collect the book in the library where you made the request within 5 working days, otherwise you will run into a 2 weeks suspension for not collecting books. The suspension cannot be removed through the payment of a fine.
Cancelling a request
An Inter-University loan request cannot be cancelled from the Personal Area of the catalogue.
Cancellations may be requested by phoning the loans desk within 5 working days of the book arriving at the library.
How long is an intra-university loan
20 days from collecting the book at the library.
You find the information about returns, warnings and penalties for delay on page about borrowing.
Renewing an intra-university loan
Renewal of an intra-university loan cannot be made online: it must be requested at the library and is granted at the discretion of the lending library (owner of the book). Renewal can be requested by phone or in person from between the third day before the expiry date and the actual deadline.
After requesting a renewal, remember to check in your personal area if the renewal has been accepted or denied.
How long is the renewal
Maximum two renewals of 20 days each
Ask for a book from an external library
Inter Library Loan
If you want to borrow items possessed by the libraries of other Italian or overseas universities and institutions, you can use the Inter Library Loan service (ILL).
External users can use this service only if they have purchased a pass for at least 3 months.
The service is subject to the payment of a rate using the methods indicated in Expenses (see below).
How many Inter Library Loan requests you can make
up to 5 requests at the same time in all libraries. In Milano campuses libraries you can make only 2 requests at a time, until these are processed by the library.
1 request if you are an alumnus
Also intra-university loan requests are included In the number of 5 contemporary requests permitted.
How to make an Inter Library Loan request
- make sure the documents are not present in the catalogue
- login to the catalogue Personal Area
- in the box "Inter-library services" (the last one in the lower right side of the page) select "request"
- choose a library from those available in the drop-down menu
- fill in the online form
The request cannot be cancelled once made.
How long is waiting and collecting
You will be notified promptly by email once the book arrives at the library.
You must collect the book in the library chosen on the request form:
You may only withdraw the material by handing over the payment receipt of the rate requested for expenses.
For every document requested a fee of euro 7.00 (*) is applied to cover postage and any refund required by the lending library.
(*) Any costs incurred for material provided by commercial entities (e.g.: British Library Document Supply Centre, INTS etc.) or non-European institutions or centres are added to the standard rate and must be paid in full by the user.
Payment must only be made after receiving e-mail notification of the arrival of the required materials.
How to pay
Alternative methods of payment:
- in cash at the cashier points located at the circulation desk in Milano libraries
- online at with the following reason for payment: Interlibrary Loan Service Campus Life Area No.
- postal order made payable to: Politecnico di Milano - Servizio ILL - piazza L. da Vinci, 32 - 20133 Milano indicating in the "communications " area: Rimborso spese prestito ILL n° ... [indicate the loan request number].
Any costs incurred for material provided by commercial entities (e.g.: British Library Document Supply Centre, INTS, etc.), or non-European institutions or centres are added to the standard rate and must be paid in full by the user.
How long is an Inter Library Loan
The conditions, duration and eventual renewal of the loan are established by the lending library.
You find the information about returns, warnings and penalties for delay on the page on borrowing.
Renewing an Inter Library Loan
Renewal cannot be made online: it must be requested at the library and is granted at the discretion of the lending library (owner of the book).
Renewal can be requested by phone or in person from between the third day before the expiry date and the actual deadline.
After requesting a renewal, remember to check in your personal area if the renewal has been accepted or denied,
Ask for an article or a book chapter from an external library
Document Delivery
If you want to retrieve copies of articles or parts of documents not owned by the University libraries but held by libraries of other Italian or foreign institutions, you can use the Document Delivery service (DD).
External users can use this service only if they have purchased the pass for at least 1 month.
How many requests you can make
up to 5 requests per week per user..
1 request per week if you are an alumnus
How to make a Document Delivery request
after checking that the documents being sought are not already available at Politecnico, using the catalogue:
- you must register to NILDE service at one of the libraries that provides the DD service. using the NILDE user registration form: in the "Access" section select the "institutional" option and enter your credentials for university authentication
- after receiving an email confirming your registration, forward your request via the NILDE online form, inserting all the bibliographic data necessary for the identification of the document that interests you (Title, Author, Volume, Issue, pages)
Once submitted requests cannot be cancelled.
Waiting times and collection of material
Requests are forwarded to external libraries within one working day.
Delivery times are around 2-3 working days.
When the documents arrive you will be notified via e-mail or telephone. They must be collected within 5 working days after the notification at the library you forwarded the request to.
The material must not be returned.
You are requested to pay any amount charged to the University by the library or external supplier of the document.
In that case the payment receipt must be presented when the material is collected.
Pay only after receiving via e-mail the warning abount the arrival of requested material.
How to pay
Alternative methods of payment:
- in cash at the cashier points located at the circulation desk in Milano libraries,
- online at with the following reason for payment: Document Delivery Service Campus Life Area No.,
- postal order made payable to: Politecnico di Milano - Servizio ILL - piazza L. da Vinci, 32 - 20133 Milano indicating in the "communications " area: Rimborso spese servizio DD"
Any costs incurred for material provided by commercial entities (e.g.: British Library Document Supply Centre, INTS, etc.), or non-European institutions or centres are added to the standard rate and must be paid in full by the user.