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The Frisia fonds (1933-1970)

  1. E. Frisia, Palazzo Vittoria, Milano 1933/40, veduta da piazza Cinque Giornate angolo corso XXII Marzo
  2. E. Frisia, Palazzo Vittoria, Milano 1933/40, vano scale
  3. E. Frisia, Palazzo Vittoria, Milano 1933/40, ingresso con portineria

Elio Frisia (1906 - 1989)

Architect and engineer Frisia graduated in civil engineering from the Politecnico di Milano in 1928, specialised in architecture in Paris in 1930 and travelled for training purposes in Europe and the United States. He worked in residential building design, above all in Milan, between the wars and in the first years after World War Two. 

The fonds' documentation covers 93 projects and is divided up as follows: 1814 designs, 432 photographic material items, 334 documents.  There is a total of 18 binders and 6 large bundles.

Held at the Archivi Storici since January 2012.

Additional documentation
An analytical inventory of the fund is available in the reading room, as an appendix to the book Augusto Rossari, Elio Frisia ingegnere e architetto. 1906 - 1989, Milan, Unicopli 2001.