What It means to be a designer today : reflections, questions and Ideas from AIGA's Eye on design
Edited by Liz Stinson and Jarrett Fuller
Princeton architectural press
AIGA’s Eye on Design presents a provocative collection of essays and interviews that cover a wide-reaching examination of the profession of design today and its impacts on society and culture. From documenting bold new work from global designers to chronicling the field’s most critical issues, their reported stories, op-eds, interviews, and conversations help designers make sense of the world and place their profession within a broader context. Organized into three parts—Reflections, Questions, and Ideas—this book covers the most pressing issues and provocations that designers face in our current world, including: the evolution of personal branding, teaching design history , the cult of minimalism, the perils of hero workship, designers’ role in conspicuous consumption, and the meaning of visual sustainability. And whose landscape is organised by the relation with the prevalent landscape and the internal one. The book's core defines the outdoor facility structure, using Italy as the main case study. To identify design strategies, the book analyses temporary settlement examples (quick time) and projects from historic outdoor tourism (medium time).